

LMS Gin Pole Inspection, servicing, and repairs we are the primary source for these services for all of the Americas since 2011.  We manufacture the finest Gin Poles in the world with a 100% safety rating worldwide, LMS Gin Poles are manufactured with steel or aluminum in all sizes. Custom models build for elevator transport for rooftop antennas and towers.  Poles are built are round poles, (GP) triangle poles, (PT), and square poles with jump tracks, (PS). Our poles are Electrostatic coated for long life and ease of handling and safety. You can also find Landa Mobile Systems towers HERE You can also find other LMS news HERE

Inspections and engineering evaluation can be performed according to Cite: TIA-322 Annex C: in accordance with ANSI/ASSE A10.48.

We store copies of all records from day one of manufacture in the cloud and replacement documents are available for the life of the pole.  Sold a pole let us know, we track owners and serial numbers for many reasons including theft.  Thieves can never get the pole re-certified and new load charts without a bill of sale.  

  1. Annual Pole Certification signed and numbered
  2. Annual Pole Inspection Report signed and numbered
  3. VT Visual Welding Inspection Report, done at the time of manufacture
  4. Mill Report on steel specification ASTM A500, Grade B/C
  5. Charpy report on steel temperature test to –40 degrees
  6. PE Stamped Pole specific Load Chart
  7. Structural steel 100% recycled USA in compliance with AWS or ANSI/TIA-222-G
  8. Each gin pole assembly and associated rooster head is permanently marked matching its load chart.

Know and learn the Regulations by ordering the current OSHA CPL 2-1.36, ANSI/TIA-322 standard, and ANSI/ASSE A10.48.


New Gin pole finish is safer and lasts much longer, providing the operator with a rough surface similar to 60 Grit Sand Paper vs. smooth Gin Poles, Owners can seal the zinc coating with a thin coating of low viscosity polyurethane, epoxy-phenolic, epoxy, or vinyl resin. The details of the application sequence and procedures can be found in ANSI/AWS C2.18-93.

Documents needed to obtain new load charts. 

  1. Mill Report on steel, citing TIA -322, Pg 55:56 buyer must maintain a mill report for the life of the gin pole in accordance with ASTM A6 OR A568.
  2. Charpy report on steel to -40 citing TIA 322, Pg 55:56 state that the buyer must maintain a Charpy report for the life of the gin pole in accordance with ASTM A370
  3. Welding inspection reports citing TIA 322, Pg 55:56
  4. Pole original engineering matching poles serial numbers, stored by Landa life of the pole, citing TIA 322, Pg 55:56. 
  5. Each individual section must have a consecutive serial number stamp on itciting TIA 322, Pg 55:56
  6. All poles must have serialized documented product number with associated paperworkciting TIA 322, Pg 55:56
  7. Complete records of pole inspections.
  8. Record of magnetic particle inspections shall be performed on 10% of the welded connections every 10 years. 
  9. Pole Sheaves and pins are time life components with a three-year life. OEM parts and must be replaced every three years. LMS Directive 09292019-01
  10. Annual inspections reports shall be maintained for a minimum of two years.

Gin Pole Inspection forms for outside inspection are available for all LMS pole users to be in compliant with current laws, regulations, and company policies to maintain the operator’s safety.  Gin pole inspection form